Alan Rice
Alan Rice, DESc, received his degree from Columbia University and has had a diverse career. He was a professor of geophysics, geology, sustainability, oceanography, physics and engineering at various institutes: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, University of Chicago, University of Pretoria (South Africa), University of Utrecht (The Netherlands), The University of Newcastle upon Tyne (England), etc.. Rice made significant contributions to the advancement of green practices and developed geographic information systems (GIS) for National Parks, including the development of game parks in South Africa. He has worked on issues relating to nuclear physics and engineering, e.g., power supplies and radioactive waste disposal. Rice was Chief Scientist on oceanographic vessels and was also involved with deep submersibles. He served as Director of the Consortium for Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling (CFD) of Ore Body Formation. While working at Stony Brook University, Southampton, NY, and in the division of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the American Museum of Natural History, he conducted research on the occurrence and consequences of multiple meteoritic impacts in Antarctica. He frequently collaborated with the Hayden Planetarium. He has been an Advisory Board member of Hamptons Observatory since its inception.